At Finchley W.I. we support our local community by fundraising, supporting local events and generally offering a helping hand where needed. These are some of the organisations we support and community events in which we have taken part.
One of our major fundraising events is the Frost Fair at Stephens House which takes place on the last Sunday of November. This year we were excited to hold our first Spring Fair on 7 April.
Our chosen charities for 2024-25 are:

Finchley Foodbank is supported by St Mary's RC Church, East Finchley, the local community, grant makers, charities, commercial organisations and other local religious organisations.
They provide approximately three days of emergency food for people living in financial hardship in the London Borough of Barnet. This is done through two weekly sessions at St Mary's parish centre where clients can choose items of food and toiletries.

Barnet Borough Sight Impaired is a local voluntary organisation for people who are blind, partially sighted or experiencing problems with their sight, which aims:
To promote the welfare of blind and partially sighted people living in the London Borough of Barnet.
To offer friendship, help and support to those with sight difficulties, especially those who have been recently diagnosed.
To educate the public about the needs and aspirations of the visually impaired by lobbying government and other health providers.
In the past our donations and activities have included:
Over 100 knitted hats donated to Solace Women's Aid, Homeless Action in Barnet and Showerbox (homeless charity)
Blankets knitted by our KTog group (led by Liz) for Age UK
Collecting bras for "Smalls for All"
Donating sanitary pads to "Bloody Good Period"
Knitting hats for smoothies for Age UK
Knitting Trauma Teddies for local emergency services
Judging cake competitions for local schools
Providing Afternoon Tea for the Oak Lane Community Centre
Knitting chicks for the North London Hospice Appeal
Providing refreshments at the annual Remembrance Ceremony at St Pancras Cemetery
Provided tasting panels for the Frozen Food Federation Annual Awards
Over the last few years, we have also donated to Ann Owens Centre (Age UK Barnet), Barnet Lone Parent Centre, Cherry Lodge Cancer Care, East Finchley Food Bank, Friends of Barnet of Hospital (for the Hospital Radio), Home Start Barnet, North London Hospice, Tender, London Air Ambulance and Stephens House and Gardens.