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13 November - Craft Aid UK

Craft Aid UK is a UK based charity that was set up in 2009 by Lara and David Bishop, Craft Aid UK supports former street children in Kampala, the capital of Uganda in East Africa.  Initially Craft Aid UK was established to provide funds to existing Ugandan projects by selling handmade Ugandan crafts.  However, in the last three years Craft Aid UK has set up and run its own project fully supporting eight former street children.  We currently have six boys and two girls who are all aged between eleven and eighteen in the project and we support them with full time boarding school education as well as a home for them to return to in the school holidays.  We fully reintegrate these children back into the school system with the aim to support them to finish their secondary education.  Lara will be speaking about how Craft Aid UK came into existence as well as showcasing some beautiful Ugandan crafts which will be purchasable on the evening.



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