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Conservation in the Urban Wilderness - June 2023

from roadside to river, garden pond to royal park

Claire Shahbazian Bedford is a Conservationist specialising in urban habitats. She has worked at London Wildlife Trust, The SE Rivers Trust, and most recently with an ecological consultancy. Her work is highly varied, from research projects for Natural England and Defra, to protected-species surveys and monitoring, and Biodiversity Action Plans for private landowners. She is particularly interested in freshwater habitats, most notably water vole conservation, and has a soft spot for amphibians which led her to research frogs for her Masters degree at UCL and ZSL's Institute of Zoology. Night-time creatures are a firm favourite and Claire has undertaken surveys of hedgehogs, badgers, bats and newts.

Claire will talk to us about what it is like being an urban conservationist and how enhancing habitats for people as well as wildlife requires scientific grounding, often a bucket and always a sense of humour!



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