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February 2020: Sarah McCartney - perfumer

Sarah is the perfumer and CEO of 4160Tuesdays.

Established in 2012, 4160Tuesdays is an independent artisan perfumery who handmake all their perfumes in small batches of 50-200 bottles at their studio in West London. Their perfumes are inspired by a place or a person at a certain moment and they take a green and ethical approach to making them. To help people explore the secretive world of scent, Sarah also hosts workshops to explore materials used in fragrances, and encourage people to create their own scents. 4160Tuesdays also collaborates with artists and performers, and inspires bigger businesses to think like an indie. Sarah also gives talks on olfaction and the world of fragrance, and gives advice  how to set up an indie perfumery.

After 20 years as a copywriter, Sarah took some time off to write a novel featuring a problem-solving perfumer. In it, she described the scents her perfumer made for her clients: a seaside holiday, a greenhouse, a garden shed and a magic flying carpet. Unable to find anything like them in the shops Sarah set off on a quest to see if she could make them. Of course that turned out to be more difficult than she had expected, but once she started, she just kept going. While still working as a corporate writing trainer and copywriter, Sarah worked on making her fictional perfumes real in her spare time, and was discovered by perfume-lover Lizzie Ostrom, also known as "Odette Toilette". 4160Tuesdays perfumes is the result.



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