Alison Kelly will be talking to us about Harington, which was founded in the 1970s / early 80s by local people to save the beautiful Highgate site from development. With over 50 students with learning differences aged from 16-25 and over 60 dedicated staff, spread over four sites in or near Highgate, their focus is on preparing students for adult life, with a particular emphasis on horticulture and retail They have a horticultural business and two charity shops.
Alison has been Chair of the Board at Harington for nearly two years. Living in Highgate all her life with three children and five grandchildren, she worked in education, including being an Advocate for Parents of children with special educational needs, and managing all the education services for children and young people in Westminster. She was also Head of Governance at the Audit Commission and a councillor at Camden for eight years with a focus on being the voice of local residents as well as chairing local and regional health scrutiny committees. She has been a governor at 10 schools, chaired four of them, including a special boarding school and has also been on the Board of a number of national charities, including Freedom from Torture.